Morocco Earthquake Relief




Ashraful Aid is dedicated to maintaining good governance and accountability. To ensure these values are upheld, the organization has a Board of Directors that includes both executive and non-executive members. In addition, the organization has a WAQF board to manage its endowments and a Shariah Advisory Shura (committee) that oversees its Zakaah program.

The management team, led by the COO, includes individuals responsible for various functions such as programme and project management, operations, fundraising, finance, regional coordination, donor management, and monitoring and evaluation. Board meetings are held quarterly, while management meetings are held weekly. Annual activity and audited financial reports are published to ensure transparency and accountability.

Overall, Ashraful Aid’s commitment to good governance and accountability helps to ensure that the organization operates effectively and in the best interests of its stakeholders.Strategic planning sessions are held once a year. An annual activity report, as well as financial statements, is published once a year.

Moulana Shafiek Nolan Regional Managers in other provinces
0647488181, 0711050508
[email protected]
Representative in Cape Town (Western Cape)
Sabera Asmal Regional manager for Durban (Kwazulu Natal Province)
062 897 9962
[email protected]
164 Mary road Sparks,Sydenham